Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We Believe in Hillary!

Ghandi once said wisely: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Throughout her life, Hillary Clinton has been living out this sentiment with commitment, conviction, compassion, and courage.
As President, Hillary will be a leader for all the people of our country, as well as a visionary and wise leader for the world and the times in which we live.
For experience, for wisdom, for courage, for character, for compassion, for commitment, for vision, for hope, for change, for the restoration and renewal of the American dream --- Hillary for President!


Attention: Hillary Supporters!!!

** Calling all those who support the candidacy of Senator Hillary Clinton for President of the United States **

This is a place to post your messages telling the American people, the DNC, and the Super-Delegates of the Democratic Party why you support Hillary and why you believe she should be our next President!

Please use the "Comments" section of this blog post to leave your messages stating why you think, feel, and believe that Hillary should be the nominee of the Democratic Party and our President!
Leave your messages here in the comments section!
Make your voices heard! Stand up and be counted! Show your support for Hillary!
We Believe in Hillary!!!!!
Thank you

Hillary - A Portrait of the American Spirit

Hillary - A Portrait of the American Spirit
By Michelle Lindsey

Quitting is un-American. Asking someone to quit is un-American.

We are not - nor have we ever been - a nation of quitters. We are a nation of fighters - in heart, soul, and spirit. We are a people of courage and fortitude who persevere despite tremendous odds. We stand for what we believe in. We never back down. We always persevere. And despite any odds, no matter how great, we never, ever quit.

What if President Lincoln had said, "You know this struggle is tough. The odds are against me. I quit." What if he had backed down? What if he had quit?

What if the suffragettes and the abolitionists had backed down because the odds were against them? What if they had allowed themselves to be silenced? What if they had quit?

What if our soldiers, in every war from the Revolution, to WWII, throughout our history, had not held their ground? What if they, when faced with tremendous odds, had just said "I quit"?

They didn't quit. And Hillary Clinton hasn't quit. Because we are not a nation of quitters. We are a nation of fighters. We are a nation of those who persevere. We are a nation of those who refuse to be silenced, who refuse to back down, who refuse to quit. This spirit of tenacity, strength, and resolve has made us the great and inspiring nation that we are. This spirit of can-do, never-say-die optimism and fortitude is at the very core of who we are. This is the spirit of America. And we should ask no less, expect no less, and demand no less from our President.

This courage and strength - this spirit of tenacity, perseverance, and resolve, this optimism, fight, and fortitude - is at the very core of Hillary Clinton. This is the very nexus of who she is. And this essence and this spirit is what we need, and what we should demand, from our President and our leaders.

Don't ask Hillary to quit this race. No candidate yet has the required number of delegates to become the nominee of the Democratic Party. This race is alive. And Hillary's candidacy is alive and continues to inspire millions of people across this country and around the world.

Quitting is un-American. Would we want a President who is a quitter? I think not.

Hillary Clinton is just showing, yet again, that she is a leader of fight and fortitude, who will always believe, and who will never quit. This is what we should want and demand in our President. And this is who Hillary is.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Count Every Vote

This is about America. This is about Democracy. To not count every vote is a disenfranchisement of not only the citizens of Florida and Michigan, but a disenfranchisement of American Democracy itself.

Go to Hillary's website and add your name to the chorus of voices standing up and speaking out to make sure that every vote is counted!

Florida & Michigan voted! Their voices deserve to be heard!

Millions of people in Florida and Michigan went to the polls to make their voices heard in the Democratic Presidential primary. They deserve to have their votes count.
The DNC's Rules and Bylaws Committee is meeting on May 31 to make a decision about Florida and Michigan. Send a message to the DNC telling them to count the votes and seat Florida and Michigan's delegates.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hillary for President

Hillary for President
By Michelle Lindsey

Letter to the American people:

You and your vote have a voice in forever changing the future of our nation and the course of history.

We stand facing a defining moment - perhaps the defining moment - in this era of time. Who we elect to lead our nation - the world's only superpower - during these perilous times will shape the future of our nation and of the world.

This is not a decision to be entered into lightly. This is not a decision to make in flippancy or on the fly. This is not a decision that should be influenced by celebrities or the pop-culture pulse poll of the mainstream media.

This is a decision that should be made by careful examination of the candidates, of their experience, their values, their policies, and their plans, hopes, and dreams for the future of our nation.

We want change in this country. Yes. We do. But change doesn't have to be exclusive of experience. And experience doesn't have to be exclusive of change. To truly bring about effective, lasting change, one must have the wisdom and experience to know how to do so - and then the belief, courage, and conviction to make it happen. We face monumental problems at home and we face an ever more perilous international scene. To truly bring about the change we need to restore hope and prosperity at home, and to ensure security and peace in the world - we need a leader who has both the experience and the visionary wisdom to bring about this change.

Senator Hillary Clinton has the experience, the wisdom, and the understanding of the problems we face in this country, and of the crises around the world, to face them head on -- and she has the vision and passion for positive, hopeful, lasting change to usher in a new tomorrow filled with hope, peace, and opportunity.

Having grown up in Arkansas, and having been a part of politics, public service, and the process both on a local level in various states, as well as on the national level - I believe that Hillary is the leader for this crucial, defining moment in time - and that she is the only leader who can truly bring both change and experience, bring peace internationally, find lasting solutions to the problems we face, and lead us into a tomorrow of hope and opportunity.

When the body of President Franklin Roosevelt was being taken by train back to his hometown for burial, the train stopped along the way and was greeted by supporters and mourners. A reporter noticed one man who was in a state of profound grief and asked him: "Did you know the President?" The man replied: "No. But he knew me." This is the type of President I know and believe that Hillary Clinton will be. I know that she will be a President with a heart for the people - a President who knows you and who cares about making your life and this country better....of fulfilling a destiny, a mission, a promise first begun on these shores over 200 years ago.

America should be not the world's policeman, but rather the world's conscience. And I know that we will be - and we will move toward the promise and fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of generations - under the visionary leadership of both change and experience that Hillary Clinton will bring to this country as our President.

So, Voters, when you go to the polls - or Super Delegates, as you make your choice - please don't vote for what's hip or popular, or who's "cool", or who has the hottest celebrity endorsements. Envision both the brightest days and the darkest hours of our nation's history and then ask yourself which of the candidates has the vision, the compassion, the leadership, and the wisdom to guide us through such times. You're making a choice that will forever change and affect both America and the world. Search your heart. Search your conscience. I know you'll make the right decision.

I've made mine. Hillary for President.

Michelle Lindsey, 27, of Colorado, was the Founder of the Colorado for Bill Richardson movement in 2006. Subsequently, she served as the Grassroots Director for the Richardson Campaign in Colorado, and also served as the National Director of Young Professionals for Richardson. When Governor Richardson's campaign came to an end, Michelle immediately endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton for President.
Michelle believes that Hillary is the right - and ready - leader for these times in which we live.
Michelle is immensely proud and profoundly honored to support Hillary and her candidacy for President.